Resource Room

For Steve Kobrin's Jewish Meditation Class

My Martial Arts Library

These pages tell my ongoing story as a martial artist. It portrays how I am advancing from a “street fighter” into a dedicated student of BaGua Kung Fu. It shows how I am integrating BaGua, mindfulness, and mental toughness training into my life as a Torah-committed Jew. I am grateful for the opportunity to share what I have learned with you!

The Fight Personas

This essay from the folks at Bushido is a good overview of the personas of martial artists. As with any Behavioral Typing model, it can be a bit general; but I still think it hits the mark. I feel most people can relate to all four in some way, but tend to fit into one primary category, with maybe another as a strong second. My comments show how I see myself. How do you see yourself?

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